Thursday, July 14, 2011

No more cast!

Having your  first child put in a body cast two days before the arrival of your second child is definitely one of those times when the word unexpected comes to mind. Unattractive, Unpleasant are also very true. But you know what.. I shed some tears, I screamed in a pillow (not kidding), and then we, together is the key here, moved on. And you know what---- we totally laughed at that cast. We conquered!!!!

As we headed down to see the ortho. on Tuesday both Bob and I agreed that it really wasn't all that bad and we were very much used to it. If it didnt come off no big deal. Like everything else along our journey... when that new kink or twist pops you panic... but give it time and it just fades into normal. The cast was no exception. We figured out that a bean bag chair (Thank you to our sweet neighbor) totally allowed "sitting", A wagon with a pillow base made walks possible, and pillow made a car trip possible, and restaurants well he balanced on Dads leg or sat sade saddle on Mom's lap. When the top portion was removed it was so much easier and this made even quad riding possible. :)

Well it did come off on Tuesday!!!! What a blessing to leave and sit Cars in the stroller. What a blessing to put pants on him.... anyone who knows me well, knows how much it bothered me for him to not have pants on. :) What a blessing to let him have a bath. He loved it!!! He stayed in for about a hour, splashing and playing, laughing. Then we set him in the wheelchair. And, he totally took off!!!! 

We headed outside and he wheeled around the neighborhood. 

Its so exciting to see Carson getting around in his chair. So exciting! This is a huge step for us. Speaking of steps... :) We got the green light from his orthopedic to work on weight bearing!!!! This is wonderful. The x-ray showed that his hip is in the socket where it belongs.  See, the cast may just have been a blessing in disguise for that hip. Our next step is to find the right bracing and then progress from there. Carson has always not had what would be considered muscle tone in his legs, but there was "some" there. Due to the cast it is gone... very gone, and even the muscles in his waist have greatly atrophied. BUMMER. So we have a long long road to tread but were gonna do it, and now we get to start walking that "walking" road. YAY!!! Please pray for this. We are now totally ok with Carson not walking... time has changed our perspective. But we do want to give him every available possibility that he can have. Please pray with us for the right tools, methods, attitudes, and help. 

Oh ps. Here's some cute baby pictures. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Here we are again.

 What have we been been up to???

I know this question keeps you up at night.... you wonder and wonder about us... don't ya???
Well look  no further... here's the scoop.

We've been busy... If I have learned anything since the arrival of Silas it is the fact that having children is much different from having a child. It's a whole new level of insanity that ranks right there among a straight jacket and a bubble room. That's another post another time... it's fun. :)

We had the privilege of attending the spina bifida conference this year. It was in Anaheim at the Disneyland hotel. It was so wonderful to be amongst people who "know". You know people you know that "know" you and yet you have no "know" of each other, other than the "know" that you now have from "knowing" each other through the "know" of spina bifida. ---- Told you I've gone crazy. These are my friends, some of my closest friends. Some of these friends I had never physically met until the conference. Yet, a gray Redefining Spina Bifida shirt warranted a huge bear hug. These are my fellow mommas and daddas, and each one of them has a special place in my heart. It was so wonderful to be together and have this golden opportunity to get together. We needed more time.... so much more time.

I volunteered for the conference (this was a blessing/curse) They kept me busy... and I did not have the opportunity to pick my sessions. I did end up in some fantastic sessions, both informative and encouraging.
The conference kinda leaves you in a mental state of overload and paranoia at the same time.. so that is all something I am still processing. If there is one thing that I could point out as having learned it is this...

Do not ever let the fact that Carson has spina bifida dictate or direct his life, our life. If he wants to dance.. make it happen. Ha ha... Dancing was her demonstration and I promised that I would let him dance if he wanted to... It was a hypothetical situation... Ok, I take it back... I will not let Carson tap dance... but this has nothing to do with spina bifida so I'm deeming it ok to not keep that promise. I will keep the promise to not hold him back. Never let spina bifida define him or hinder him. Parents play a huge role in the independence and the attitude of the child. This is something that has been heavy on my heart. It is my prayer that I direct both my children towards success in life, both physical and spiritual. I pray that my boys grow to be godly men who love and serve their families and the Lord. Happy, sweet, strong, stable, hardworking,  loving, and thankful are among a few of the qualities I wish in them... None of these rely on the fact of Carson walking, none. None. Spina Bifida does not and cannot be allowed to hinder these. The session encouraged me to look past walking, for some reason this is so important to us, but why???? God does have a plan, and Carson's heart is most valuable.

It was a good time, a crazy time... I cannot believe we did it. Carson is still in his cast and Silas is only 2 months old.... But we did it. Were crazy kids thats what we are. We did have some family fun. We held up 3 suckers to Carson (small, medium, large) here he is pointing to the one he wanted.  Seriously.... the boy knew...

These two are just too adorable. My boys. :)

 It was a blast...
But there's no place like home.
 And homemade ice cream.... Ya Silas got to try ice cream. Now before you call the Child services on me or cast "bad" mom status. It was Fourth of July and it was 104 degrees outside.... and how could you resist that grin.
 I meant the grin of Silas... but this next grin was irresistable too and I shared with him as well
 Ya, It was amazing!!! And Silas was very grateful. :) We used it as a lesson in thankfulness. See.. good mom points.
 Off to the family BBQ.... Did I mention it was 104 degrees??? Carson couldn't resist playing in the fountain, and yes we let him. Holding him in... being very cautious to keep his cast dry... Until we started a splash fight. :) He lost and got drenched... thankfully the cast stayed dry (mostly).

We hope that you all had a very happy Fourth of July. What a blessing it is to be in America and be free.