Ok so we just took an awesome, amazing, wonderful, fantastic, much-needed family vacation this month. We were able to spend 2 whole weeks in Florida with our families. I have soooo many pictures!!!!!
Elevator |
Me Ma and Pa Pa drove us to the airport. It took quite a crew to get us and all our stuff inside. :)
1 wheelchair with a almost 2 year old in it
1 stroller/carseat with a 4 month old on board
1 very large and over-packed diaper bag
2 large suitcases
1 backpack filled with goodies and a portable dvd player
1 extra little suitcase, cause hard as I tried I couldn't fit everything into the 2 very large ones. :)
The crankiest person and the least behaved was myself. The boys were soooo good!!!! We had a 1 hr. flight to phoenix. Then our plane was broken and we had to spend an extra 2 hrs at the airport. We did apparently see a star. But i've forgotten his name. He was a basketball player. :) I was so impressed (cant you tell) Then the flight to Orlando was supposed to be 4 hrs. It took 5 1/2 because of bad weather, and honestly I am the only one who complained..... Sorry... Shame on me! when we got off the plane about 10 people complimented the boys on their good behaviour. :) Big smiles and proud parents!!!!
It's my first plane flight!!!!! |
Carson taxiing Silas around the airport. It was too funny.. he really pushed him in his chair. | | |
We made it to Orlando late that evening meeting my brother and sister and law. AND my Nephew Micah!!!!
He is just 12 days older than Silas. It was so great that Charity and I were pregnant together, and we had a blast sharing the the experience but the bummer with that was I was too pregnant to get to be there for Micah's birth. So finally after waiting way too long, I got to meet the little man... He is a cutie and I am the most proud aunt ever!!!!
We spent our first day relaxing and re-cooping, then we headed off for none other the humongous Disney World and it really is a world all its own. Its massive!!!!!! We spent day 1 at Epcott.
Hey Dude! I like your ride! |
Thank you again Mom for the tickets. :) |
Each ride is themed from a particular country. Our first ride was Mexico. Carson wasnt so sure about Donald Duck in Mexican attire. |
Embarrassing photo to show them when they're older |
Having too much fun!!! |
Break time!!! :) |
To be Continued......